Wednesday, December 31, 2008

New years and Pregnancy...

As we bring in the year 2008 and welcome 2009 I would like to say 8 things that could be better and 9 things I'm thankful for.

8 Blahs....

  1. Pregnancy Nausia.....resolutions to change it....none :).
  2. The blahnes of the sameness of life.....resolutions to change it...maybe take a new class, make a small change get a hobby..
  3. The usual war with weight... resolutions...forget it!... weight wins...especially bieng pregnant..but I am resolved to eat healthy mostly and try and get out or be active at least every day, and just be grateful for the body and health I do have.
  4. The Economy.....Resolutions....Glad we have our storages and have kept out of debt.
  5. The huridness and impersonalness of a lot of society myself how I'd rather people be.
  6. How things get disorganized.... resolutions....take care of things at the time, don't leave things for later.
  7. Dumb fights with my husband once in a while....Resolutions....Only communicate in a healthy, respectfull, and kind manner.
  8. Time seems to be slipping by fast....Resolutions....take time to smell the roses everyday.

9 Greats to be thankful for....

  1. My wonderful husband, My wonderful family, My wonderful friends.
  2. I'm pregnant and happily married.
  3. Seasons.....I love the changes and each of their individual beauty and fun things...
  4. Even with the Economy we still have all we need: Food, love, Shelter, even plenty of extras.
  5. Our dog Spunks...even though he drives me nuts..he also makes me laugh and is so sweet.
  6. Arctic Circle's Halibut...take off the breading and it's healthier and so good...yes I do love some fish now.
  7. Low gas prices...hope they stay...sure love having personal transportation and affordability to go places.
  8. Freedom of speech, Freedom of relegion.....Freedoms we still have.
  9. A whole new year to come to make more blahs to overcome and more greats to appreciate!