Friday, August 1, 2008

Kuaii, Hawaii! :)

We had an awesome time in hawaii with my family for two weeks. We rented mopeds and ran them all over the island, like we did on our honeymoon. We snorkeled, tubed into a waterfall, played in a big waterfall, took another no door helicopter ride with my parents, and Thain even skydived but I was too chicken. I probably will adventually but I think I'll wait till I'm 91 like that lady that just did it recently. :) Anyhow we had a great time and mostly enjoyed just spending time with my family.


Amanda said...

Yay - you're a blogger! Way to go! I love the pictures of Kauai, so beautiful...and you look beautiful yourself! I look forward to reading about and seeing pictures of all of your adventures!
Amanda =)
p.s. what is induro driving?

Alisa said...

You posted on the Anderson's Adventures page. I want to see the pup! Aren't they fun!?