Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Local Camping Trips.

I have no idea how to edit these blogs yet still so sorry for the wierd layouts. :). I shall learn one of these days if anyone knows tips feel free to let me know. We've been having a great time around here this summer just taking little trips, we've gone through yellowstone and Jackson hole a few times and one time even through bear lake on the way back just stopping and sleeping "camping" in the back of the jeep. We've also taken the motorhome out and slept at some neat local camping spot and then gone induro riding. For those who were curious induro riding is an older off road motorcycle, they're a lot of fun. I showed a pic of me on one and then the two induros and our motorhome at a spot here in Huntsville. There was the most beutifull sky going through Jackson hole towards yellowstone so I also included that picture and some pictures of a hike we did on the back of Jenny's lake, we took a boat ferry thing across and then hiked to a pretty waterfall and a lookout point. I've really enjoyed these camping trips a lot.

1 comment:

Alisa said...

Where is Spunks?? Did you not take him with you?? Sad =(

Looks fun! I'd like to get to Yellowstone someday.