Friday, March 27, 2009
well not sure...
Ok well I just passed along a post that I agree with the idea behind really well, putting aside political agendas and just trying to be better and unite and help eachother like after 9-11 but after going to the site posted and given I like a lot of the thoughts behind from Glen Beck like the comment on top and the quote from George Washington on the side but I didn't see that the links were doing much except posting the same old angry venting or mud slinging that's common politics so I don't know if I didn't find the good project ideas or if they aren't there or what but so far I'm not sure about that site as helping yet with the good thought behind it but I really like the good idea behind it, I just wanted to let everyone know my true opininos and views in case they will get misunderstood and if anyone knows how I'm missing what is really helpful there I would like to know because I'm all for joining or doing a project that would be helpful and am all for helping our country be better or us helping our communities and such be better. I'd like a good way to help besides knowing I need to be more kind and less contentious in public in my own life dealing with people in crowds and stuff....ok well enough from me today :)
9-12 pass supproting whatever helps anyone to want to be better

I'm coping a blog post on this 9-12 thing from my friend Stacy. I really don't mean to offend any one whos relegious views or political views are different then my own. I just agree with a lot of this in that anything that helps us remember to reach out and help each other and unite and treat eachother well in our communitys and countries like we did after 9-11 is great, and though I don't like the political contentions different political views can cause, yes I'm scared about our state as a country and having the goverment control too much. I believe that some government is wonderful some taxes great and necessery too much horrible. Since with both republican or democrate presedencies government has been mismanaged for a long time in my opinion, if we are paying (anyone of any income above 20% in taxes) and most goes towards paying interest on a debt....I know things can look more complicated if you look at them too much but simple common sense says these things are not good and oppresive and so anyhow I hope that all of us of any affiliations political or relegious or whatever can unite as a country and help it to be a better country and that we can help eachother and remember to try and be better to eachother and help those hurting of our own free will and reach for the higher part in each of ourselves well Glen Beck has some thoughs on doing that so I'm all for passing it along to anyone who would want to look into things they can do for the 9-12 project. If I've already offended you or you know your views are different then please quite reading and just try and remember to help someone else or your country be better or something and not take it the wrong way if I'm passing this along because I want us to all be better and help if we can comes from a politicaly differently tainted source..... Thanks! :)
A week ago, Glenn Beck did a special on Fox News called "We Surround Them" and introduced a project he's calling 9-12. On the show, he asked us to remember what we felt the day after 9-11, to remember how the country united together, how we reached out to each other - not because the government told us to, but because WE knew what to do. He's basing his project on the following 9 principles:
1. America is good.
2. I believe in God and He is the Center of my Life.
3. I must always try to be a more honest person than I was yesterday.
4. The family is sacred. My spouse and I are the ultimate authority, not the government.
5. If you break the law you pay the penalty. Justice is blind and no one is above it.
6. I have a right to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness, but there is no guarantee of equal results.
7. I work hard for what I have and I will share it with who I want to. Government cannot force me to be charitable.
8. It is not un-American for me to disagree with authority or to share my personal opinion.
9. The government works for me. I do not answer to them, they answer to me.
If you believe in at least seven of these principles, then Glenn says we have something in common. We need to pull back the curtain of fear and uncertainty about what's happening in this country right now, and remind ourselves that we surround the government - it's not the other way around. He's encouraging like-minded people all over the country to remember these core principles, to remember how we felt on 9-12, and then do something. 9-12 projects can be as simple as helping a stranger, encouraging local politicians to reject the bail out money, or letting our conservative voices be heard.
That's why I'm writing this post. I absolutely love this country, and at the same time, I am appalled at the decisions being made my our elected officials. We don't need the government regulating every aspect of our lives. We are intelligent, hard-working Americans. They don't surround us. We Surround Them.
Glenn has a website for news, venting, and all kinds of great stuff. On September 12th of this year, he will be doing another show, highlighting what 9-12 projects people across the country have done.
I believe in every one of these nine principles - and that is how I want our country run. Are you a 9-12er, too?
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Picture Tag
Well I have been picture tagged by Amanda so I decided to
pick a picture of our dog Spunks as she asked about him the other day. He's a very cute sweet dog and we love him but he's also a royal pain in the butt for me a lot of can tell by this picture; one of us is more contented in this relationship then the other... :).
I tag Sarah, Alisa, Mom and Jen and anyone who reads this and wants to.... :)
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
A Healthy Boy

It will be snips, snails and puppy dog tails for us :).....
I'm very happy to find out we are having a son. I would be happy either way and am very happy he's healthy as far as we can tell. There were all these beutifull boy poems I found on the net but this one was sweet and cute too so I'm including it here.
One Small Son
One small hand to hold in yours,One small face to smile,One wet kiss as he says "good-night"One small child.
Catch the moment, put it in your heartThe years too soon will fly.These are precious moments,more than money can buy.
Two small arms to hold you tight,Two small feet to run,Two small eyes full of love for you,One small son.
Catch the moment and put it in your heartand never let it go.Save it for the years to come,when he, too will know.
One small hand to hold in hisOne small face to smile.One small kiss and she says "good-night"One small child.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Yes I finally did it I figured out how to change my blog background thanks to the little delightful dots link on Amanda's blog I was able to change my boring background!! One step out of blog brainlessness for me!!! Well since that took me way too long I have to go walk the dog before it gets dark.... Tommorow morning we find out if we're having a boy or girl...yeay exciting!! I will post the results and some pictures soon...even if I only have two blog followers they're still great and intersted so I guess I'll get out of my blog rut :). Thanks Sarah and Amanda :)
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