Friday, March 27, 2009

well not sure...

Ok well I just passed along a post that I agree with the idea behind really well, putting aside political agendas and just trying to be better and unite and help eachother like after 9-11 but after going to the site posted and given I like a lot of the thoughts behind from Glen Beck like the comment on top and the quote from George Washington on the side but I didn't see that the links were doing much except posting the same old angry venting or mud slinging that's common politics so I don't know if I didn't find the good project ideas or if they aren't there or what but so far I'm not sure about that site as helping yet with the good thought behind it but I really like the good idea behind it, I just wanted to let everyone know my true opininos and views in case they will get misunderstood and if anyone knows how I'm missing what is really helpful there I would like to know because I'm all for joining or doing a project that would be helpful and am all for helping our country be better or us helping our communities and such be better. I'd like a good way to help besides knowing I need to be more kind and less contentious in public in my own life dealing with people in crowds and stuff....ok well enough from me today :)

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