Monday, February 15, 2010


One of my biggest goals at the moment is to regain a better weight and healthier eating habits.   I've found my biggest enemay with that is not taking time to prepare something healthy and snacking...  I gained 40 pounds bieng pregnant and still have 15 of them I lost 20 soon after Rilan was born but yo yo'd around and actully gained 5-7 back but I've been working hard to loose it by just tracking all my calories, shooting for 1300 for one week at a time then a small break to about 1500-1800 cal for awhile and choosing small healthy meals is what is helping me get it off plus I bought a treadmill and am doing the personal trainer weight loss exercises from there at least 3 times a week.  I figure 30 min 3 times a week is very doable and it's made a big diff in how I feel, I find exercising rewarding and eating right too but eating is tougher I don't like to keep track of everything and I love my sweets.   I really want to be and feel healthier though and not having such a big pooch  and looking better is deffinetly motivating too.  I just can't and will not keep these pounds!!! 
My goal too is to run a 5k just simply get through one with out walking around May and then for the 2011 family Vacation run another one in Disneyworld in January improving my time from the one this spring.  Those are my goals right now get to at least my pre pregnancy weight (which was already 20 above healthy)...15 to go!  and continue exercising 3-4times a week and running the 5ks. 

1 comment:

Alisa said...

All you need is a little dedication and you'll totally be able to run a 5k!