Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Running....maybe not just a dream.

      I was testing myself on the treadmill the other day on a workout and wanted to see how far I could far away I was from my running goal and I was happy and suprised to find I ran 2 miles with out much struggle in 9:30 min/hr pace with a 3.0 incline.  I then tested myself the day after in my next workout day and made it 2.5 miles in about a 9.08mi/hr.  pace....that was more of a struggle though but I am feeling like making it through a 5k is now attainable and maybe even under a 10mi/hr pace!!  Of course I don't know running on the street maybe harder then on a treadmill but I'm happy in fact I signed up for a 5k on April 4th!!   So now it's do or die.  Ack!  :). 


The Blaine gang said...

way to go Jill! You'll do great on that 5K!

Justin said...

Wow, great work Jill! You will be running marathons in no time.