Tuesday, June 15, 2010

My Big Helper!

He Helps me Do the Laundry!

And The Dishes!

He helps me unpack my packed bags!

And his diaper bag and my purse!

He helps be-head weird donkey decorations!

But most of all he helps bring us all so much fun
and Joy!

And then he sleeps! :)

Sunday, June 13, 2010

quality quotes

"Well you won't make progress by fighting with him on the phone, that much I can tell you.   It takes time to change a heart, and it cannot be done with hard words.  I lived forty years with your grandfather, and that was the most important thing I learned."
             -A grandmother to granddaughter in book Tending Roses.

"What we cannot change we must learn to endure without bitterness."
             -Book Tending Roses.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

My Latest Greatest Goal.

Well with the goal of my first 5k under my belt, I've decided to focus this month on weight loss, that wonderfully horrible plaque that has been my nemeses for too long.  Oh well it must be done and so day by dreay day I'm tackling it.......Can you tell I'm sick of it today, that I really just want to have something like a huge piece of chocolate cake....oh well.. I decided to make a goal of 10lbs and to be very diligent till I reach it.     I'm setting June 1st  as my goal deadline and am already almost half way there so yeay, but I know that when I relax for awhile I'll gain half of that back so no great relaxing on the food end for me yet.
 I really find an i phone application called Tap and Track to be such a help, I can keep track of all my calories right there and track my weight and see how I'm doing with food on the recommended 40:30:30 ratio....40% carbs, 30% fat and 30% protein.  I've noticed even when I try and eat more protein, I'm still usually, short of that, and so that is a big part of my eating well is eating more protein, fruits and veggies.  I really do feel better when I eat right, but loosing weight is hard work, it wears on you a little, in fatigue and other areas but I know it will be worth it.   So that's the news on my personal goal front for you lone or near lone followers :)

Saturday, March 27, 2010

My 5k blues

Only weeks before I'm supposed to run my first 5k, Rilan and I both got horrible colds, not the sniffly kind but the kind that knocks you off your feet, so now just a week and a day before the big run, I have not worked out in a whole week.   I just started feeling normal again yesterday and so did a training hill walk workout today and though it was a little harder then before, it went well enough and I'm going to have to run monday and another day next week to be ready for the 5k.
   Also, despite being sick and not even being able to taste food much I managed somehow with my great talent at it to gain back 4 pounds of the weight I'm trying very hard to shed!  Oh well keep plugging along is all I can do.  It feels good to be almost all better and able to get a half decent work out in today anyhow!
(hey on a side note, does anyone know how to put a video on a blog??  I tried to download one little clip of rilan crawling after the roomba but I think it was too big a file to do though I've seen people post video's so if anyone knows anything that would be great! ;))

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Cute Picture of Rilan in his little suit!

Just wanted to post this picture as I think he looked so cute and so grown up in this little suit we got from Cozzane, my hair stylest and friend who did the music in our wedding.  I want to post a video too of him chasing after the roomba but can't figure that out and need to get him as he's waking up.  He's sure is a lot of fun and such a joy...poor thing has a bad cold and isn't feeling too good today though.  

Monday, March 8, 2010

Random Quote of the day.

I don't care how poor a man is; if he has family, he's rich. ~Dan Wilcox and Thad Mumford, "Identity Crisis," M*A*S*H


I am happy to report that I ran on the treadmill at 3.0 incline for 26 minutes and 50 seconds and ran 3.0 miles....Yah!   I figure that if I signed up for the 5 K on easter, less then a month, I better make sure I can run it all soon so I pushed myself to run and pushed myself to run  3 whole miles and I did it.  I'm proud of myself yes and hope that when I get to running outside it isn't a big eye opener in that I can't do it but for now I'm just glad it's being as doable as it is...here I come 5k!!!!!!!!!
On other goals, financial, I'm staying away from the stores for now.  Marriage goals I'm trying to always emphasize the positive and be grateful.  I seriously do have a lot to be grateful for there, it sounds bad that I need to work on that but I do, I remember though how lucky I knew I was to find My Mr Wonderfu, after much dating headaches and pains and I am so lucky to have him, He's always so loving and good to me, he's not usually easily offended, wich is good because sometimes I open my mouth and insert foot before I think about it or I like to tease and raz him a bit and he's such a good sport about it, sure maybe he doesn't even hear me half the time and that's why but no seriously he's really good about that, he's a good provider, a good father so many good things.
   On parenting goals my little guy has constipation a bit and so I'm goaling to feed him good fruits and veggies 2-3 times a day at least, it's just good nutrition anyhow and something I need to do more for myself also.   Something too I want to work on, is just enjoying time with him more, I really try to do too much and am too grateful for when he takes naps or is otherwise occupied, I'm trying to get too much done and not spending enough good quality time with him so that is a goal for parenting lately too.     Well as my goal progress goes for now...that's all folks...

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

$$$$$$$$.....MONEY MONEY MONEY...$$$$$$$$$$$

Ok so one of my goals is to spend more wisely, I don't get myself into trouble or really ever spend where I've had to pay interest on my spending but somehow everytime I go to the store, especially places like walmart I spend way more then I want and do way too much impulse buying so my goal yesterday while doing errands, was to just get what's on my list....what do I do??  I buy a 40 dollar pool for Rilan and a 260 dollar camera for me and a few other extras.....the other camera we had broke the lens off and I really want a camera and this is the one I wanted so I'd probably buy those things again but wow...I really need to work on this.  You know what's really scary to me though the people running our country are so much worse at this then me!!  Our national debt as of feb 11 is 12.3 trillion!! Thats 12,349,324,464,284..
40,615 for every person in the US and if you include the liabilitys the government has like social security, medicare and employee retirment and veterans benifts its 195,152 per person (http://www.justfacts.com/nationaldebt.asp) ... I don't know about you but I don't have that hanging around!! Plus unless we do something it will get so much worse in the future being 79.7 trillion in 10 years, 20 years 107.1 trillion and in 50 years 260 trillion....so just tax the rich?...sorry but even they won't be able to pay that if things continue as they are and if we were to take ALL their revenue pretty soon.. I personally feel taxing anywhere near 50 percent even for the rich is corrupt and its way more if you add up all the tax sourses, for those actually willing to pay...I read an article dated nov. 15, 2008 when the debt was a little over 10 1/2 trillion that stated that for every man women and children to pay this off they'd have to work 2.6 years at min wage income free and if we take away saddling the children and retirees that's 2-4 years of slavery to pay this off and that's assuming none of them live off the gov't dont pay taxes or such ( a big assumption and in- correct one)...well you say we're not paying for it....hmm if your paying taxes yeah we are and just paying the interest alone we are paying 300 billion/year towards the debt, just the interest, if it continues as is, it will be 800 billion/yr in just 2 YEARS...that's almost a trillion going just to interest...HOLY COW!!!! 
I'm sorry but when the gov't says it wants to take on Health Care I say HECK NO!!!   I know there are problems with health care, and Ideally I'd love everybody to be covered and not have to worry about it much but you know most people will abuse whats free, that they don't have to work for and then their freedoms will be taken away to judge for themselves and do what they want for their health but take away all the reasons other then financial and because of irresponsible financial managment by gov't officials over many years I say NO WAY!!  the stimulus bill added 10000 to every personal person's responsibility for the debt and was so full of extra  "impulse"  spends that the bill wasn't even supposed to be about...I'm sorry but when people say it's urgent to act now.....that's bull when your spending that kind of money IT IS URGENT that we get our gov't spending down and be responsible, it is just not something that we can take lightly and I'm sorry to say but it is taken extremely lightly...how when Medicare, medicade, the post office, social security etc are all going bankrupt,(exuse me are bankrupt and insustainalbe) should we assume we can take on EVERYONE's healthcare and have it not be something where it's a serious step down..?????  Common sense just is not there, I'm sorry, I know they are talking about reforming it or listening to Republican ideas more and in different debt free universe I'd say cool but....I don't care if it's the republican's idea or the democorats or the sasquash's it just isn't something we can even think about affording right now.. It's rediculous.   Ok I'm going off on this and trust me there is pages more I want to ramble on about, but basically I just want to say,  like any household out of control with spending or person they are ROBBING THE FUTURE for less important wants and needs or EXTRAs and it's not just robbing it, it maybe in this case DESTROYING the future..I'm sorry but I just don't know how it will be sustainable if things keep going as they are, it's not just Obama, the problem was getting serious probably when he was still in diapers, but why can't he stand up now and do what's necessary and prudent and wise instead of continue bad decisions and policys and examples at an alarmingly faster pase then any president before him???  ACK!!!  Money Money Money.... doesn't grow on trees!

Running....maybe not just a dream.

      I was testing myself on the treadmill the other day on a workout and wanted to see how far I could run...how far away I was from my running goal and I was happy and suprised to find I ran 2 miles with out much struggle in 9:30 min/hr pace with a 3.0 incline.  I then tested myself the day after in my next workout day and made it 2.5 miles in about a 9.08mi/hr.  pace....that was more of a struggle though but I am feeling like making it through a 5k is now attainable and maybe even under a 10mi/hr pace!!  Of course I don't know running on the street maybe harder then on a treadmill but I'm happy in fact I signed up for a 5k on April 4th!!   So now it's do or die.  Ack!  :). 

Monday, February 15, 2010


One of my biggest goals at the moment is to regain a better weight and healthier eating habits.   I've found my biggest enemay with that is not taking time to prepare something healthy and snacking...  I gained 40 pounds bieng pregnant and still have 15 of them I lost 20 soon after Rilan was born but yo yo'd around and actully gained 5-7 back but I've been working hard to loose it by just tracking all my calories, shooting for 1300 for one week at a time then a small break to about 1500-1800 cal for awhile and choosing small healthy meals is what is helping me get it off plus I bought a treadmill and am doing the personal trainer weight loss exercises from there at least 3 times a week.  I figure 30 min 3 times a week is very doable and it's made a big diff in how I feel, I find exercising rewarding and eating right too but eating is tougher I don't like to keep track of everything and I love my sweets.   I really want to be and feel healthier though and not having such a big pooch  and looking better is deffinetly motivating too.  I just can't and will not keep these pounds!!! 
My goal too is to run a 5k just simply get through one with out walking around May and then for the 2011 family Vacation run another one in Disneyworld in January improving my time from the one this spring.  Those are my goals right now get to at least my pre pregnancy weight (which was already 20 above healthy)...15 to go!  and continue exercising 3-4times a week and running the 5ks. 

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Marriage that blessed awangment that dweam within a dweam......

     For you non Princess Bride buffs that quote is from Princess Bride...:).....For any tuning in....My thoughts today will be about Marriage.   It is one of the greatest things in life but it's hard too, for some reason I notice the negative things more and dwell on them and sometimes just unwisely snap and get mad and say something not cool sometimes.    So that is one of my biggest goals is to perfect how I deal with frusterations in marriage.  My husband is wonderful and wonderful to me but he has quirks that can drive you mad too plus though I don't want to be back in that place.....I love the depth and comfort gained........I do sometimes miss the excitment and newness faze you know???    Well something I did the other day when the song 50 ways to leave your lover came in my head I decided to write 50 reasons I love my lover...it was very healthy, I realized once more how very lucky I am to have a good guy who loves me is commited, is kind to me is responsible in providing for us, is fun, is a good father etc etc.....   :)

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Revival of the personal blog......

I have decided to once again start blogging here, but instead of Anderson Adventures it will be my own personal blog of goals... and yes some family stories and miscelanious, random thoughts and such. I felt like doing the family blog, sometimes facebook and other stuff was just too much but I think it would be a good place to hold my goals accountable and so I'm reviving this poor almost dead blog......any suggestions for new names? I don't promise to be a good blogger I'll probably still suck but oh well it's now more for me anyways.....hopefully more to come soon :).